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Gregg (USA)By taking the DBS, I have learned how to read the Bible and understand its context. Growing up in church, I knew the stories and I memorized Scripture verses, but I did not know how God’s story fit in with what was going on in the rest of the world. This school has equipped me with the tool to be able to apply God’s Word to my life by understanding how the original readers interpreted the Scriptures. |
Abby (USA)DBS is an amazing program that promotes the Bible by studying it in a way that you would never think of before. The reason I recommend this school is because when you’re in DTS you experience a lot of the Spirit and DBS gives you the truth that solidifies your faith. Spirit and Truth goes hand in hand as it is essential to one’s faith. In YWAM our motto is “To know God and to make Him known” but how can one possibly do that if they do not know the Word of God. Diving into the Bible is not optional but rather mandatory and so this school really equips an individual to making God known. Everybody should do this school as it brings clarity and understanding as you press on to know God more. |
David (USA)Do you want a better understanding of the bible but are concerned about applying for a school or course that is “over your head” or spiritually dry? Then this is your solution. The variety of learning opportunities allows a more likely fit for all learning styles and abilities. The homework causes the student to dig deeper but it is not constantly overwhelming. This school is a perfect complement to the DTS and completes the one-two punch of a solid biblical foundation and walking in the spirit. Spending 3 months immersed in the Word is guaranteed to change your life and your view of the bible along with providing a better understanding of who God is. What I personally appreciated the most was the focus on gaining wisdom and not simply knowledge. Do yourself a favor and make the bible your lifelong friend! |
Sun-ja (South Korea)DBS gave me the love, passion, hunger, and tools to be able to read through the Word and fully understand it for the rest of my life. It’s priceless and worth it. This three-month immersion in the Bible has been the most challenging but also the most blessing & intimate time with God. The passion of the Christ and the Gospel took deep roots in my heart as the Father’s heart was revealed. I feel so filled as the Word and God set a banquet for my Spirit. “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes” (Job 42:5). Thank you DBS and Holy Spirit for bringing the revelations. |
David (Canada)Through this school my heart was really set on fire for the word again! Now each and every time I open my Bible I get a new revelation. This school has been a really amazing experience for me, it has caused me to fall deeper and deeper in love with the Lord and has greatly changed and informed the way I will live my daily life. It has helped me to get over so many things that I was struggling with in my life and I feel like I am much better off for having taken this school. I am going to continue to study the Bible and delve deep into the Word that is God. I really gained an insatiable hunger for the Word. |
Sharae (USA)Where do I begin? This journey has been challenging but even more rewarding. God has continued to stand faithful in His promises even in the small things. And this has allowed me to trust in God even more and to have such a passion for His word. DBS is a journey that cannot be described in the words rather a transformation of our hearts that you can only experience. I’ve grown to keep my Joy in the Lord alone. |
Pine (China)DBS has facilitated a holistic environment for me to meet God, to taste His goodness and know His Kingdom and His Eternal Plan afresh. It is something too good to miss. |
Matthew (USA)I can safely say that DBS has changed my life forever. The past three months have been the most stretching but vital months of my walk with the Lord. Before DBS, I thought that only the New Testament was relevant to me today, but now I realize the importance of the Old Testament to see the fullness of God. I became more and more convinced that the Bible was made to be read from beginning to end. It’s the perfect love story of a holy God redeeming a wicked and underserving people. The more I read about how sinful we are, the more I realize how holy God is, and how much more we need Him. I recommend this school because you will fall in love with God more than ever before! |
Eric (USA)DBS has been extremely challenging and stretching. I couldn’t be more grateful to what this course got me through and taught me. I have gained such a genuine love for reading Gods word and this is honestly the first time I can say that I’ve read through the entire bible in just three months. I used to hate reading the Bible. I used to just be about the Holy Spirit but now I see the beauty of both Spirit and Truth coming together in unity. |
Ellie (USA)Spirit and Truth were brought together in the past three months. The speakers engaged our hearts and truly carry a passionate love for God that can only come from being immersed in the Word. We not only studied the Bible, but applied the principles found in the Scriptures to our lives! I can honestly say that I was filled with confidence in my basic understanding of the Word. As future DTS staff I can see this is such an important tool to carry since it is the basis of all discipleship. Thanks you DBS staff for facilitating this life-changing season! I am so hungry for the Word! I am excited for a life of exploring the Scriptures and discovering more of God’s heart for the nations. |
Stephen (USA)DBS helped me set aside time to actually understand this book that I profess to be true. I’ve learned a little of the context and it has opened a new field of meaning to me. The truth is working its way into my life. It’s affecting the way I pray, see the world, and understand who God is. I hope to keep studying deeper and deeper as my life goes on, taking a book or two a week. I would ask you to consider the DBS, it will help you to become more solidly founded. |
Chance (USA)I can say after doing a DTS and DBS I’ve changed a lot, but having said that DBS literally filled me with the spirit. To know that my heavenly father loves me more than any earthly person could bring me to tears. I’ve been given light from this course which will continue to provide and help others. After reading the entire bible I am now able to read it in the correct context. I also able to relate to my Jewish ancestors, to actually read about the characters and think wow!! This stuff all actually happened is crazy. DBS has completely changed the way I deal with my day to day situations, I can now talk to God anywhere anytime because I know that he really is right there next to me and he is always on watch. |
Inhye (South Korea)Discipleship Bible School provides an awesome opportunity to see growth in faith. After DTS where personal revelation of God has redeemed students’ lives, diving deep into the words helps us to witness his great redemption expand to all humanity and to appreciate the legitimacy and eternity of His promises. Also, apart from other Bible courses, the school also emphasizes Spirit and the Word to work together, allowing God to speak in depth in personal realm along with building a strong foundation in the Bible. Needless to say, it’s impossible for God to do nothing when you are digging into His Words. I personally recommend this course because it expands your frontier of influence with structure along with His revelation and passion and trust and dive in. |
Christophe (USA)The Discipleship Bible School has been such a beautiful, challenging, and growing school. I have learned so much while studying the Word of God with the most incredible people. One of my favorite things about DBS is that there is a focus on community. You are studying the Bible with your friends, which it makes it so enjoyable and amazing to share different revelations and points of view. My life is forever changed after doing this school. I would recommend it to anyone. DBS is a wonderful combination of Spirit and Truth. I have gained foundation and life changing wisdom from the Word that I will never forget. So many memories and friendships have been made that will always be a part of me. You will never regret dedicating 3 months of your life to grow closer to God and gain deeper heart and mind understanding of the Bible. |
NaomiDBS has almost the magical ability to turn what you thought was the most boring parts of the bible to be the parts you discover the beauty of grace. You discover God’s grace in Leviticus – the book of strange laws that probably stumbled you at your attempts to read the entire bible. You’ll find grace in the long-winded genealogies – the parts of the bible your eyes just glaze over the names you can’t pronounce. Oh the overwhelming grace you’ll discover in God’s crazy, wonderful, and beautiful story of redeeming us today! DBS is so good that it leaves you hungry for more. |
Aaron (USA)You cannot truly know someone apart from knowing their story. In the DBS you dive into the story of God from beginning to end, and will be overwhelmed by the consistency of His character and the passion of his pursuit after humanity. And while being immersed in God’s story as revealed in Scripture, you cannot help but reflect upon and allow God into your own story. Dive into the epic and adventurous story of God by doing the DBS! |
David (South Korea)DBS made me passionate about God’s words. It has great power to transform your life, your family! So come to DBS in Kona and swim in the Living Water with Jesus Christ. I guarantee 100% your transformation. |
Joseph (USA)DBS is a time in your life where you are sure to find more of God. The feeling you get from reading God’s truths is unexplainable. Whether it’s your first time reading through the Bible or you have done it before, whether it’s about gaining knowledge or having questions answered, whether you are all in or skeptical, DBS will give you more than you could imagine. |
Jane (USA)I have read the Bible a few times through, but I have never been given the proper grid with which to read it. God’s intended perspective has made the Bible more relevant and I finally feel God is speaking to me through His ENTIRE Word, not just the New Testament. |
Esther (Myanmar)DBS is so much better than what I expected. Reading and discussing the whole Bible was an amazing experience. It opened my eyes. It changed my worldview. God’s love is unchanging from the beginning to the end. I now see the heart of God, the love of God, the faithfulness of God through the DBS. If you have a hard time understanding who God is in the OT do a DBS and you will know He really is. |
Jozua (The Netherlands)The last three months have been a stream of revelation, transforming both the heart and mind. The constant feel of God’s heart came alive every time I opened my Bible, and His character was revealed in every page of the Living Word. It’s an indescribable thought, because everything was opened through the Spirit. From God’s artistic beauty in Genesis to His redeeming heart in Nehemiah, from the Lord’s providence in Esther to His passionate heart for repentance in Zephaniah, from the First Coming of Christ in Matthew to His Second Coming in Revelation – God became more intimate to me in such a personal way. Even after trekking through the whole Bible, it seemed that I know God, yet, I still have so much more to know about Him. If you have any inclination to know about God or just want to know more about His Word, the Discipleship Bible School is the best track to know more about Him. |
Audhild (Norway)It should be mandatory for all Christians to take DBS! Although I have been Christian all my life and have been reading the Bible all the time, I am embarrassed at how little I actually knew. This has really seen been some of my best months in my life! It has been three months where I have had the chance to become better acquainted with God, His character and nature, and not the least His plan of salvation. It has moved me to tears several times, and my love for God and the Bible has grown so deep, that I cannot wait to share it with others! |
Jeremiah (USA)If you think DTS changed your life then you’re in for something truly amazing. Discipleship Bible School has been an incredible journey in finding out who the Lord really is. I had some ideas of His character, I had some ideas of His redemptive plan for the world, I had some ideas of His love towards us… I just never realized how truly big God was until going through the whole Bible story in 3 months. He is always in control, he sees us, he hears us, he knows us, he suffers with us, he cries with us, he laughs with us, he walks with us, he guides us, he redeems us, he restores us, he pursues us, he is personable with us, and he is very very jealous for us. We are his creation, we are his children, the sheep of his pasture, and he is the Good Shepherd and Father. |
Margot (USA)I would highly recommend DBS to any Christian, young or old! It was an amazing transformative experience that I would do again! If you are looking for something that satisfies your desire to get deeper with God and have a greater understanding of his word, this is it! To be honest, I had very little understanding of the bible before this school. Reading the bible scared me and so I was always hesitant to trust what I was reading and interpreting. Through this school God has broken down my fear of the bible by giving me context and wisdom. The bible is such a a beautiful way to help people heal and grow in their relationship with God. I will never read the bible the same and what God has revealed to be about himself can never be taken from me! I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner! |