Nashville, USA


Youth With A Mission Nashville
5801 Keysburg Road,
Adams, TN 37010

Upcoming school:
Contact school directly for dates and fees


Tel: +1 615-696-3096

More Information:

Why do a DBS?

The beauty of the DBS is that it is for the person who loves to read the Word, for the person who reads it out of duty and not desire, and for the person who doesn’t read it at all. The Word of God is living and active and foundational to knowing the character of God and His story of love and redemption. Having a set apart time to read the Word and discover more of Him creates a deeper root system of your faith in God and awakens a greater hunger. The DBS equips you with the tools to keep learning, growing, and discovering more of God for years to come.





Why Nashville?

YWAM Nashville exists to disciple and launch wholehearted missionaries to awaken the nations. We are a missional community that passionately pursues God and all people. We live to see this young generation come fully alive and sent out to the nations through our various training programs.  We want to see you come alive to God’s dream for your life. Fully alive, we reach and awaken the world that He loves through discipleship, training, and mobilization. We are passionate about worship, evangelism, intercessory prayer, and the Word of God and are dedicated to seeing revival in America, and across the world.


School Leader

Karim Nieves

Hi! I’m Karim Nieves. I began my YWAM journey in Florida in 2013 with DTS and the leadership school, SOLD. After staffing schools and serving in administrative roles  for years, I was led to join staff at YWAM Nashville. I was blessed to do the DBS in Pittsburgh where the Lord awakened a love for His Word and greater intimacy with Him that I didn’t even know could exist. I am very passionate about discipleship, prayer, the nations, and the Word.