Pedro de Oliveira Simões, 79
São Paulo, Brasil
Upcoming school:
Contact school directly for dates and fees
Phone number:
+55 (11) 93210-0505 (Cleber)
More Information:
Instagram: @jocumcontagem
+55 (31) 3358-5344
Why do a DBS?
One of our visions as a base is that we are able to propose a current and necessary training for the cross-cultural challenges within the big cities and in the ends of the earth. May we celebrate the eradication of biblical poverty by empowering Kingdom workers for oral and written translation, for the teaching of the Word that enhances a logical and understandable dialogue for languages and cultures.
Why Dunamis Farm?
“Casa” in Portuguese means house. We are a heavenly home for the pilgrims of this earth. For all children, so that they can feel in the Father’s house. A house that transcends the local culture, but that understands the culture of the kingdom and everyone can resemble, meet and connect. We believe that we need to invest in unreached peoples and refugees from these peoples here in Brazil.
School Leaders
Cleber Santos |
Eduardo Mota
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